Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Child's Prayer

Lifted this from here - - the image tugs at my heartstrings; the child's look of innocence and her piety got to me somehow and I just thought I would like to share it with you.


Kak Teh said...

Puteri, this reminds me of the little girls who went to terawikh prayers with their mothers. Even though their attention span is limited, they were very serious in doing what they did during that time. Ada yang berhenti, beralih tengok sana sini, but such innocence in their faces!

Kama At-Tarawis said...

Obsolutely, Kak Teh... charming, isn't it? :)

Pi Bani said...

Ahah... panggilan tanah suci dah mula menggamit-gamit Kak Puteri ni kan? Kan?

Kama At-Tarawis said...

Heheheheh Pi.. posting tentang tu kaming kaming! LOL

mamasita said...

Looking at little girls in telekung gives you a cute.Remember when our kids pun tak sabar nak donned the telekungs when they were kena tanya.."you dah smbahyang?"hehehe..

kay_leeda said...

Kak Puteri,

Sincere and pure, and cantik of course. Just the sight I love to see at the mosque, these young buds as they worship God Almighty.

Anonymous said...

Salam Kak,

Masa kita kekecik doa kita sikit jer..

"Ampun kan dosa kami sekeluarga..dunia dan akhirat"

tengok gambar budak yang sesuci tu..teringat kita akan nostalgia suci doa kita..

alangkah bertuahnya badan jika masa boleh di kembalikan...

aduh...buat saya hu hu...

MHB said...

Salam sis... first time leaving my comment here... I know this image very well... it appeared on the cover of a Buku Panduan Sembahyang Kanak-Kanak Perempuan which my late hubby got our firstborn when she was 6... what's not to love about this image, kan?