
Setiap hari kita mengerjakan solat lima waktu, berapa kerat di antara kita yang benar-benar memahami maksud ayat-ayat yang kita baca?
Kecuali kalau kita tahu berbahasa Bahasa Arab, tidak mungkin kita tahu apa yang kita dok sebut itu. Kita recite macam burung apa yang diajar kepada kita sejak kita mula mengenal sejadah.
Semalam adalah pertama kali saya memahami maksud ayat sembahyang di atas, yang kita ulangi banyak kali dalam satu hari apabila kita solat.
Berderai airmata saya ketika membaca terjemahannya. Begitu indah maksudnya, begitu tersusun rapi kedudukannya.
Small wonder the imams in Masjidil Haram and Masjid Nabawi shed tears when they recited solat prayers. They felt it in their hearts whilst I certainly didn't.
I have a new resolve now; to understand the meanings of what I utter during solat. May Allah swt guide me in my mission. I don't want to be ignorant anymore....
Hi, I like reading ur blog; my husband is not a Muslim but he learns Arabic just to understand the Quran in its original language, he told me that it is quite easy to learn as compared to most other languages...I am so impressed that just in a few months, he could understand most of what he reads. He learns through CDs and grammar books - so I am sure if u put your heart to it, you can do it too!
Salam Puteri,
Sesuatu yang terbaik untuk bekalan kesana..
Yang paling ketara ..
kita minta Allah tutup keaiban kita..
untuk itu elok juga kita tutup keaiban saudara kita..
dan jangan lupa tutup keaiban diri..
E - tq for your comment. i'm impressed that yr hubby takes the trouble to learn arabic just so he can understand the quran. and he's not even muslim! alhamdulillah..
i would like to try, perhaps learning trough the internet and books for a start..
ayohwang - i used to rush through this ayat ... baca macam keretapi sebab tak tau hujung pangkal.. now that i understand the ayat is a host of requests.. that He forgives our transgressions, keeps us healthy, hide our shame etc.. baca selow2 dan hayati maksudnya.. thank you to my friend laptop for making this available to us..
Thank You.
kak puteri,
TQ for sharing..i pun tak pernah tau maksud ni...malu kan :(
Sdr Puteri,
Thank you for sharing. Would like to share with you the meanings of surah Al-Fatihah, ayat utama kita baca dalam solat. Saya yakin ramai sudah tahu, tapi ramai juga yang tidak tahu maksudnya, termasuk saya sehinggalah baru-baru ini apabila saya mula menjinakkan diri dengan Al-Quran dan terjemahan. Jadi ini banyak memberi ketenangan/tumpuan kepada saya ketika bersolat. Rupa-rupanya yang saya doakan di akhir solat sudah ada dalam ayat2 yang dibaca!
Alhamdulillahirobil-al-amin - Segala puji-pujian bagi Allah Tuhan semesta alam
Arrohmanirrohim - Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang
Maliqiyaumiddin - Yang Menguasai Hari Pembalasan
Iyyaqonaa'buduwaiyyaqonaa'stoin - Hanya kepadaNya kami menyembah dan hanya kepadaNya kami memohon pertolongan
Ihdinassirotolmustoqim - Tunjukkanlah kami jalan yang lurus
Sirotollazi na an 'amtaalihim - Jalan orang yang Engkau telah beri nikmat
Ghoirilmaghdhubialaihim - Dan bukannya jalan orang yang dimurkai Yahudi)
Waladhotholin - dan mereka yang sesat (Nasrani)
CT Tanjung Perak
Salam Puteri
I am from an english school but accidently fell in love with Bahasa Arab and for the past 15 years have been studying it through attending weekly classes.
True if you understand it baca doa and Quran reading become more meaningful. Teruskan belajar, banyak website mengajarnya. Hopefully like me you will fall in love with the language.
I showed my hubby what you wrote and he happened to see the Al-Fatihah's translation in Malay written by CT from Tanjung Perak, since he has memorized the Al Fatihah (he said it is a very short surah, only 7 verses); his comment was everyone should try to read in the original language as the translation does not accurately express the meaning, however he is just a beginner so best check with the experts :) But anyway, just to encourage you further.
Dear Kak Kama,
This is one of the first ayat dalam sembahyang I made my daughters understand and memorise its meaning.
Long ago, during dark days, I recited my own made up doa - and soon after, found out that Rabbighfirli encapsulated all that I was praying for.
It became my favorite moment in my prayers.
Dear Kak Kama,
Your post prompted me to post all my favourite YouTube Ayat Quran and translation in one blog. You can find them here :
Working to include more favourites.
its one of my favourite do'a & it's one which i emphasize to those with difficulties & for better living.
Ma Cage, I also merangkak most of the way. Kepala lutut dah melecaq!!
Kita masih undergraduate "Universiti Kehidupan". Must go on to be better & "well equipped".
Kak Puteri,
Thank you for the reminder. Malu nak confess but will still do so. I learnt Arabic in school and InsyaAllah understand the meanings of what's read during prayers. Unfortunately, solat tak sentiasa khusyu' & always rushed. Thus, the du'as are recited as mere words. Such a shame...:(
Salam Kak Puteri,
Ingat mengingati adalah satu perkara yang sangat dituntut dalam Islam.
Setakat ini, alhamdulillah, saya dah dapat hafal setiap maksud bacaan solat dalam bahasa kita....namun, sebagai manusia biasa....sokmo jugak dok terlalai. Memang benar Kak, kalau kita solat kita fahamkan maksud doanya betul-betul, barulah kita rasa kita puas dan rasa dekat dengan dengan Allah, barulah tersedar betapa kerdilnya kita ni. Insyaallah sama-samalah kita hayatinya bersunguh-sunggah, sama-samalah kita ingat mengingati.
"I have a new resolve now; to understand the meanings of what I utter during solat. May Allah swt guide me in my mission. I don't want to be ignorant anymore"
Hope you can share it here with us all your readers too :-)
Oh TQ for this simple and short reminders...as they are very meaningful.
Let us assume it's never too late to do something good in lfe.
derebar & mama h - the pleasure's all mine :)
ct - tq dear, for the translation.. seen it so many times in books and stuff, tapi tak pernah ambik pot.. :( reading it now rasa macam never seen it before.. :)
ami, E, Ummi, Lap, Yan, D - i hope to be able to get to a decent level of arabic, at least ke tahap boleh paham jadilah..
ninot - thanks for the link..
und & anon - insyaallah akan saya upload verses & their translation every now and then..
pakcik - you are too right, pakcik. i'm grateful for all His blessings..
And the beauty is that we recite this during the sitting in between the sujuds submitting ourselves to Allah....not during the sujuds itself... this dua is also good to be recited during Saei and Tawaf....
tq for sharing, kak puteri!
Assalamualaikum, thank you for sharing this. It made me strive to learn more and do better.
TQ for reminding.I repeated these while doing my tawaf sunat during my haj in 2005.May Allah bless kak n family.
Alhamdulillah kak putri. I hope everybody has the same strong effort and istiqomah as yours.
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