Thursday, September 2, 2010

Saya Racist, Like Everybody Else

Sesiapa yang kata dia bukan racist adalah pembohong. Kita semua born-racists. Yang membezakan kita hanya the degree of our racism.

Sesetengah orang amat tinggi tahap racial tolerance mereka. Orang macam ni model citizens, harus dipuji dan diteladani.

Sesetengah puak pulak racists takder ampun, mereka bigots kelas pertama. They don't contribute anything positive to the country's well-being.

Patutnya dilucutkan saja kerakyatan, habis cerita. Tanpa kesetiaan kepada negara, they do not deserve the privilege of citizenship.

Orang mulut capoi macam ni mintak-mintak satu hari nanti bertemu buku dengan ruas. Biar kena luku seenaknya, baru sedar langit tu tinggi atau rendah.

Pagi ini saya buka blog dan ran through my bloglist as usual.

Saya bukan seorang yang overly emotional. Tetapi apa yang saya ketemu di blog ini benar-benar membakar perasaan saya dan menaikkan 'suhu' racism saya.

Hina bangsa saya, masih boleh saya telan walaupun pahit. Saya orang Melayu, satu bangsa yang tinggi peradabannya. Orang Melayu bersopan santun dan baik hati budi.

[Sebab kita baik hatilah we are where we are today. Dah kena panjat kepala. Datang tak diundang, pergi tak mungkin dihalang. Dipersilakan angkat kaki kalau dah benci].

Hina agama saya, anda mencari nahas. Kalau berkesempatan, mungkin si penghina menerima 'seadanya' daripada saya. Ini bukan amaran tetapi janji.

Agama tiada kompromi. Agama bukan alat. Agama bukan untuk dipermain atau dipersendakan. Yang penting, tak perlu saya stoop as low as si penghina untuk hamun dia.

Ketar jari jemari saya kerana kemarahan ketika menaip posting ini. Bacalah sendiri. Tidak tergamak saya mengulangi apa yang tersurat.

Ya Allah, please grant me the patience to deal with this insult to You.


Formerly known as Superwomanwannabe! said...

I have been saying this for the longest time..its human nature to be racist. every species of animal will protect its own. racism is a good thing when you have pride in your race and try to be an advanced malay/chinese/indian. Racism is bad when you think advancing your self means putting other races down.

Insulting other people's religion/races/preferences- thats not just racism. thats being a no 1 idiot stripped of all education and tact normally assumed of a thinking adult. Or as the malays say- kurang ajar

nothing to do with race.

Naz in Norway said...

That sort of insult on FB used to be common last year among people on my list. Depa silap banyak... they thought I would join in, you see. I am all for FOS but honestly, there is a reason why God gives all of us a brain each.
Those people are gone now.

As to being a racist...99.9 percent of the world population is guilty of it...whether they like it or not ... whether they realise it or not.

Sherry said...

This is not about being racist, this person is clearly not educated and stupid. In Hokkien, we call them "boh kah si" - or kurang ajar.

Kama At-Tarawis said...

folks, kurang ajar it is. dalam sekali maksud kurang ajar dalam bahasa melayu. ia membabitkan ibubapa, bukan setakat tuan empunya diri. it reflects the failure of mak bapak to ajar anak adequately.

Tommy Yewfigure said...

Puteri, tell me why, then, oh why should it be that we go on hurting each other. Making each other cry, hurting each other, without ever knowing why..... :)

Well, I could just sit around
Making music all day long
Long as I'm making music
I know I can't do nobody wrong.

And who knows? Maybe someday
I'll come up with a song
That makes people wanna stop their fussing and fighting
Just long enough to sing along.

I think Naz had found a damn annoying one too…hehehe

OK, Naz, all together now;


Have a good weekend all, I know I would, 'Gone Fishing'.


P/S – Am I a racist?.........hmmm a little bit lah I still refer to the AngMoh as ‘Kwai Loh’

Kama At-Tarawis said...

my sentiment exactly, tommy.. why? why? we have lived in harmony for years and suddenly this. what has happened to tolerance, understanding, moderation? sad, isn't it..

Anonymous said...

Kak, ini perbuatan biadap. Kurang ajaran dan tak tahu adab sopan. Agaknya masa kecil dulu, di asuh dengan memberikan segala kemenangan dipihaknya walau tetangga datang komplen betapa buruk akhlak, ibu bapa masih menyokong anak yang salah.
Saya memang akan "mengajar" orang yang perlekehkan agama saya, ini ikrar saya kak. Jangan di pijak pijak agama, jangan di hina bangsa dan negara. Kalau asyik komplen, di persilakan keluar dari negara ini. Duduklah mana mana tempat yang nak terima orang yang rosak akhlak macam anda tu. Period.

Unknown said...

Puteri Kama...I can't stand manusia kurang ajar~! Period.
And when it comes to insulting the religion, then I am prepared to be kurang ajar myself...
"Sial punya betina ~!"


Anonymous said...

I am a racist in some ways, although I am proud to say that this trait has never stand in the way of me and my friends of different races. Heck, we can even crack up racist jokes in the company of each other! My take is to NOT stoop to the level of these people, because that would clearly distinguish who we are and what we stand for. Why fight fire with fire? My two cents..

Anonymous said...

and oh, I am muslim-convert and believe in showing the same respect to Islam and my previous religion
PS: I have been following your blog quietly..
