The self-explanatory notice above, hooked on the door this evening, was borne out of sheer frustration. I've had enough, even if what had happened was certainly not by design.
My forgetfulness is beyond redemption; no amount of 'kismis' can put things right again, I think.
Last night, in the company of some illustrious guests at a dinner in a friend's place, I reached out for my camera... and... well, you know the story..
It first happened some months back when a few makcik bloggers met for lunch at The Curve. I got everyone together for a photo session, only to find that the memory card was not in place.
It happened again at the signing of Awang Goneng's "A Map of Trengganu" in Mid-Valley recently. I had to wait for some blogger friends to put up their snapshots and 'curi' a couple from their collection, for my entry.
Last night was the clincher. My ex-media colleagues Ishak Nengah and wife Aishah Ali got a few close friends together for a cosy evening at their place in Subang Jaya to celebrate Awang Goneng's birthday.
The guest list included our evergreen songstress Datuk Sharifah Aini, whom I had not met since I left the Press. She looked as stunning as ever.
Also present were Nuraina Samad, Zainul Ariffin and Manja Ismail, the three Datuks from the media, an old, old friend from the 1980s, socialite Nora Marzuki and a few more.
When the time came for 'tangkap gambar', mine was the only non-functional camera there. Now I have to wait for Kak Teh to put hers up on Facebook in order to snatch a couple for this entry. Haisyyy....
It happened to me recently on my way home. I stopped on /karak highway to take some pictures for a likely entry. Lo and behold the stupid camera had no brain! So I had to change my posting to 'road not taken, instead.
hahahaha, i like that! the stupid camera had no brain..LOL.. how could all these happen to young people like us, kan pakcik..heheheh
The camera was wrongly designed! The next generation will come with a 'brain' which is not removable~!
Al-Manar, there are some camera with some internal memory that cannot be removed. Not many of those nowaday though.
Kama, I like the notice on the back of the door. But if it was me, I may need another notice to remind me to read that notice on the back of the door. :-/
Anyway, SD cards are small enough and cheap enough nowadays, you might as well keep additional card in your carry everywhere bag. I keep one in my wallet.
Since it happened to me too once, I will now religiously perform the formatting of the memory card after transferring the pics to the computer. That way I will ensure that the pictures I will shoot will be free of the older pictures.
pakai cable jer la masa nak upload gambar..tak yah nak keluar kan memory card tu...lagi senang dan efektif macam orang yang pelupa macam kita ni...
Hehe.....should we go back to Kodak film?
3 times happened, 3x haissyyyy!
And you have it (the sign) laminated, too...
Aunty Puteri,
And that's on top of charging the camera's battery, and charging and taking along the extra battery! ooohhh...where's that bottle of ginko? purrr....meow!
Pp - I agree!
Sabre - i dah masukkan my spare card in my purse (and hopefully I remember it is there..hehehe)
Pak Zawi - that part saya sentiasa lupa nak buat. bila sudah transfer gambar, terus tinggal card dalam laptop.
Ezza - betul tu..tapi saya ni semi-literate, nak kena ada orang ajar buat.
Ozz - i remember those days pakai kodak rolls. kena selit dalam camera then wind dulu.. heheh
Yatt - and they sAy three times lucky? tak betoi la..:D
GJ - indeed, saya laminate sebaB nak gantung properly.
Cat - that has happened before too.. memory card in place tapi battery lupa nak recharge.. sighh
You're not alone:)). It happened to me a couple of times. I was ready with a huge smile glued on my face, posing yang mengancam and everything, and the tukang pukul gambar said, "I think you forgot to put the batteries." Grrr......
I am smiling to myself. I love the way you can be gerammmm at yourself and turn it into a charming blog post! I must learn that.
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