That carpet looks good for a roll..
but what can we do, there's room for only one or two...
We celebrated Maulidur Rasul today with an adoption. We had been talking about it for days; just waiting for the right time. And today was D-Day.
Joe, his friend June, Nawwar and I went to SPCA in Ampang after lunch. Our mission - to find a cat for the condo. It has been far too lonely here in my study.
I needed a cat with one paw carelessly plonked on my laptop, or draped around my shoulders, for inspiration. I need a cat to talk to, to confide in, to bitch about life in general.
We had a hard time deciding. They were all beautiful to our eyes. And we knew how much they needed a place to call 'home'.
We wanted so much to be the loving hands to caress them and loving hearts to lavish affection on them. We wished we could have them all.
As we went from cage to cage, from one enclosure to another, we saw faces upturned in hope. It was heartbreaking to have to leave them behind...
We found her sitting at the back of a cage, staring at us. She's a sweet little thing, four months old, with white fur, grey ears and striped tail.
She has the most beautiful blue eyes, almost prompting me to name her Nikita, after Elton John's song of same.
In the end we gave Nawwar the honour. Welcome home, Purrcy a.k.a Purrsie!
Puteri, I think I will adopt Pak Malim anytime!
oh, just now as i got out of the car, Gizmo, who now lives mostly with the nextdoor neighbour walked to greet us. I was horrified. Her chain is always new, and I thought she was wearing a cross! I thought, that's it, she's banned from going next door...but on closer inspection it is not. Hmmmm!
sorry , the earlier post was from me...terrible typos!
Yeahh...Kak Puteri now has a cat!!! You are going to have another reader here - Nissa.
Ohh..Purry is adorable. In fact all of them are, so I can imagine how difficult was the decision making process :)
Tough decision, huh... to just choose ONE kitty to bring home. Nasib baik bukan you yang pindah ke SPCA... (manalah tau, kot kot tak sampai hati nak balik!) ;)
kak teh - i think i wouldn't mind the alim cat as well, provided dia tutup aurat from pusat to lutut..... LOL
kay - yes, ummu hurairah is back! I never knew that term means 'mother of cats' in arabic. there was once a well-know banker named abu hurairah, bapak kucing lah tu..LOL
pi - if my family live belah ampang sana, i think i'd be at spca everyday kot .. entah2 jadi volunteer..
Aiyo...the black and white one is sooo cute! Should have taken that one la sis!
Anak I kalau tengok...habisss...I love cats, but nak clean up their poop box...malasssnye....
Komen Pak Malim kucing ray yg alim.
Mula-mula saya tengok, kata kucing ray yg bongok, saya fikir kucing yg pertama dlm gambar tu, tengah naik kapalterbang, kata Pak Malim dgn rambut menggerbang. Sebab lubang kat kotak tu, nampak macam tingkap kapalterbang, kata Pak Malim sambil terbang. Kucing boleh 'terbang', ke? kata ungka. Gambar2 kucing yg Kama paparkan, sangatlah comel, kata Pak Malim sambil mengomel. Dan saya berasa amat terharu kerana Kama dan Kak Teh kata, sudi mengambil saya sebagai haiwan peliharaan, kata Pak Malim sambil duduk atas hamparan. Terima kasih, terima kasih, kata Pak Malim sambil memegang daun selasih.
Kak Puteri,
Looking at those kitty faces just makes me pine to have one. But with two toddlers at home they would have a hard life being chased around and "gomol'ed by my little ones.
But one thing I hate about M'sian pet owners, who do not toilet train their cats, do not let your cats or dogs loose to poop in public places. Esp in my garden.
If one cannot be responsible enough to toilet train their pets, please don't dream of owning any.
Sorry kak Puteri.
p/s: I am a sucker for black or grey cats.
An - i won't be surprised if that little fella returns home with me when i take purrsie back to spca in april to be spayed. he had me then, too..
Ray - kak teh & saya kan ibu kucing
kata kama sambil pakai kancing
dengan kasut yang tak matching
kalau kami adopt ray
kami hantar ray ke spca pi spay
pastu sahlah ray alim sampai bila2
sebab 'dah kontot' takleh menggila..
Aida - what you had just said tu betul. pets like cats and dogs should be trained to poo dalam their litter box. tapi kadang2 kucing ni bengap jugak.. in d house buat biznes in d box.. keluar aja terus pi orang punya yard.. pening dibuatnya..
Ketawa sakan I baca your response to Ray/Pak Malim.
Kawan tu baru je duk tenkiu tenkiu dengan you, dihentamnya sabagitu sekali.
Tak patut, Kak Puteri, tak patut...
Naz - hehehe, si ray ni ramai orang sayang.. i nak tarik balik lah pasal 'dah kontot' punya statement. i terlupa ray la ni ada gopren baru.. namanya Minah Gayat, kucing yg terlekat kat bumbung neighbour dia that day. kesian pulak.. nanti tak dapat nak usya minah..
Hi Puteri,
You have got meow.......
I'm so excited with the second 'looking thru' the keyhole shot'.
Woof, woof!
tommy - hey rover! i love dogs to death, i do. unfortunately, it's a bit susahlah as you know. my late father-in-law used to hv six alsatians as guard dogs. when i was living in subang jaya, a stray puppy came to the door daily to 'tumpang makan' with our numerous cats. we fed him, and played with him sometimes. then our ultra-melayu neighbour (who also didnt like cats, come to think of it, they also didnt like humans much) complained at the puppy. so we took it to spca.
oooppss.. *complained about the puppy..
Salam Kak Kama,
Such a good thing you did. I love cats by the way... so geram!!! :)
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