As luck would have it, ran into Ana, the fourth of my five sisters, at the airport. She was bound for Johore Baru to attend a function. Ana, the sole academician among us siblings, is attached to UiTM Shah Alam, where she lectures business and entrepreneurship.
Also met her daughter Amirah who drove her to the airport. Glad to note Mira is looking better than the last time we saw her. The 24 year-old college grad is currently undergoing chemotherapy for cancer, having lost a leg to the accursed disease four years ago.
This little bundle is Kayden Riley Stewart, the latest addition to my sister Idah's family. Born to Idah's daughter Amilda and hubby Sabran Gary Stewart in Cleveland, Ohio, two weeks ago, Kayden's their firstborn. So Grandma Idah lost no time in flying to Ohio, to be with her new (and second) cucu.

Here's another new 'baby', from me to me, purchased at the Pahang Art Exhibition on the last day of the event Friday. Thank you Mamasita for taking the trouble to reserve it for me (it could have travelled to Washington DC in Ambassador Datuk JJ's consignment otherwise).
"Rambutan" is a beauty to behold. With the forthcoming Kelantan Art Exhibition, I am hoping to expand my visual fruit orchard to include more varieties of buah-buahan..
And last but not least, here's the fifty-something "Golden Girls" as well as those not-quite-golden-yet girls lineup. From left: Mamasita, NanaDJ, Kama, Zendra, Desert Rose, Ezza and cutiepie Kay_Leeda. Thank you ladies for the pleasant birthday surprise. Blogger Edelweiss had left by this time; tak sempat bergambar together..
My..the rambutan painting looks so very real and juicy on your blog.
Thank you very much for purchasing it..Amin the artist was so very happy..
Just to help you sikit, yang stay on tu Desert Rose..yang terpaksa rush back ke opis is Edelweiss..hehe..
Thank you for creating such a ball in the cafeteria..famous kita semua you tau???
Alahh.. soryy for the mixed-up..
Adoii kama notti notti with the titty's hahaha what with cutie baby and goldie babeys and hairy fruities. Bet the fingers flew on those virginal keys for this entry!
Nice prezzie from Pak Abu (his real name rhymes better) hehe
Owh I baca balik your komen at my place, ada satu part buat i tersedak2 nasib tak tercekik on my chocolate bar. Ni kes misleading the public kakakaka
So you got the Rambutan painting! At least I can still see it, i.e if I am invited to your apartment. Lucky you, your loving Pak Abu got you such a nice present.(Madam You Know Who, please don't ever think that you'll get someone like Pak Abu if you berangan nak trade in YOTH)
The rambutan painting looked deliciously real. Waaaaa.... must make the prezzie a worthwhile one, so will be watching out more updates from the spanking laptop.
Ohh...pretty yr new baby...err lappy I mean :) And your sister's new cucu is a cutie too, real bundle of joy, I bet.
And we DID have a splendid time last Friday, didn't we? Looking forward to the next meet *wink*
Hopefully the wearer of the T Shirt is just as well endowed to do justice to the logo.
I could have bought the rambutan painting and hold you to ransom since I know you wanted it very much. Fortunately I dare not cross you lest you may throw a spanner or two in the coming PESENI's art exhibition in March 2010.
With the new laptop as present, maybe the old one should be donated to a charitable organization somewhere in Kelantan.
We will get a member to draw fruits since we have a ready buyer in KL.
Zendra - Hepp! stay away from cholocate bars if you want to maintain that svelte figure!
Nana & Kay - Soon you will come to my house for sure, for a keriau session.. hehehe
TM - the painting is really 'hidup'.. am glad I bought it.
Pak Zawi - hahaha Pak Zawi, unfortunately the wearer of that titty shirt isn't as well-endowed as it proclaims.. false advertising tu!
Unfortunately, my old laptop already has a new owner, Nawwar, who quit her job recently (and had to return the odffice laptop) to go back to school - dia nak belajar arabic fulltime.
tapi pak zawi, if the kids need PCs, boleh diusahakan..
Kak Put3,
Sexy birthday gift u have there!!!
And the mouse pad - where do u get that fr?
Oooo... nice b'day prezzie... kalau macam ni b'day tiap-tiap bulan pun tak apa kan?
Bila lagi nak buat jumpa-jumpa & makan-makan? Nak le join. Will be heading to KL in December, insyaAllah.
kak puteri...
it was nice meeting u the other day. tak dan pulak chek nak tunggu u potong kek hehehheh. sampai balik opis pun dah lambat...samam mcm guys balik sembahyang jumaat!!!!
selalu selalu ... [bila senyum u makin cantik :)
Well hello there too to u Titty.
Good one Pak Zawi, I expected MB the one to pass that sort of remark, u r indeed a closet OTG too, I see…hahaha. PZ, u would have felt left out if u were there with the golden girls and would have spoilt their ‘women only’ get together. I must say that’s a formidable makcik blogger line-up, don’t u agree? I guess between them they own 75% of the blogosphere market share.
Hey Puteri, this must be one memorable fun-filled 55th birthday for u, I’m glad u enjoyed yourself, it would had been much better if u could have a karaoke session too, true? Maybe next time hah.
Ibu - I found that pretty mousepad, in the shape of a miniature persian carpet, in Jusco One Utama. Cantik kan?
Pi - Give us a date, Pi; I'll organise a makan & karaoke at my place with our makcik2 bloggers when you're in town.
Edelweiss - soon kita jumpa lagi..bila Pi is in town, insyaallah.
Tommy - It was a good outing for me, Tommy. The ladies were only too kind to this old lady..
I'll be attending a dinner in KL on 19th Dec. So 19th or 20th lunch time should be okay... itu pun if you all tak sibuk attend kenduri sana-sini!
Oh akak,
gambar gambar akak kali ini dari atas sampai kebawah semua nya best terutama nya baby tu....comel nyaa...
Tapi gambar yang last sekali tu yang paling cute miut..hahaha
Pi Bani nak turun KL...Yahooo!
Is the event on 14th confirmed? I lost my HP and all the numbers. Thief broke into my home and took my phone away.
@Tommy yew,
Nothing seemed to be lost on you hehehehe.
Alaah, kesiannya Pak Zawi. I hope it's only the hp yg kena kebas. Yes Pak, Saturday presentation in Kota Baru is on. We are flying in 7-something am via Firefly, balik 7-something pm same day. There's be 3 of us; Comm Director Hisham's presenting. I'll e-mail you my hp no later.
I will pick u up at the airport.
Lunch will be nasi ulam at restoren Chegu Hamid where Mamasita and Dato' had theirs. Budu and all will be there.
Salam..esok ya mesyuarat dlm pukul 10.30am @ 11..Pak Zawi akan ambik kat airport, so lepas mesyuarat kita akan ke Heritage Art Gallery(Deen's House) bersama2 Zawi and berehat ke sana, kalau nak ke R.Panjang pun boleh. Lepas tu sy akan hantar team ke airport dlm pukul 7..flight pukul 9 ker?
Kesian Pak Zawi..bila pula rumah kena pecah masuk..ehehe..jahat betul budak2 nie, dah takde kerja lain ker, so mcm mana nak kontek you?
Kak Puteri..jadual esok:
9.00+- Dari airport ke KB
10.00+- Mesyuarat bermula
12.30+- Makan tengahari
2.00+- Ke Heritage Villa (Deen's
7.00 Ke airport.
Kak Puteri, kat rumah sy nanti, sy akan perkenalkan kepada Kak Puteri adik sy yang baru balik dr IJN (Institut Jantung Negara). Beliau akan ke IJN semula dan menjalani pembedahan pada 30hb ni..Insya Allah.Harap maklum!
Salam Pak Zawi, Deen"
Insyaallah jumpa di KB esok. Idea molek tu, gi heritage villa ...
Sakam Puan,
tq for visiting my blog n linked from yr blog ~ bRAVEhEART
Salam Puan,
tq for visiting my blog n linked from yr blog ~ bRAVEhEART
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