(Bukit Besi, Terengganu 1960)

(Dungun, Terengganu 1970)
(Kuala Lumpur, 1974)
(Bangkok, Thailand 1992 - serving Thai Tourism Board)
(Ipoh, Perak 2001)

(Medina, Saudi Arabia - Hajj of 2008).
(This entry is unashamedly self-indulgent, so please forgive me. Give it a miss if it doesn't quite agree with you; I am just so happy to be where I am today that I could burst from the sheer joy of it).
A wargamas - freshly minted, legally certified and absolutely thrilled - was born today. Signed, sealed, delivered; that's me, rushing headlong into 55. How wonderful, to be able to proudly claim senior citizenship!
I had waited for this day ever since I turned 40. Frankly, it has very little to do with the promised bounty, enticing as that may be. It's just that the 40s somehow never really fit into my scheme of things. I couldn't relate to the old standby "life begins at 40" because for me it didn't.
If I were to assign some recognition to it, I'd call my 40s "the age of wilderness and confusion." You see, when you hit 40, you are neither here nor there. While you are definitely not young (being young at heart doesn't count), you are not old either.
The age of youth ends with 39. But old age doesn't really hit you in the face until 50 and beyond, so where does that leave the 40s? Granted, it may be just numbers to some but those numbers troubled me enough to give my 40s a wide mental berth.
Time stood still from the time I bid 39 goodbye until I leapfrogged into 50. The missing decade was spent in "age hibernation', emerging only on the treshhold of 50 to take my rightful place amongst the half-centurians.
Alas, what I had conveniently seek to forget, my bones never ceased to remind. The creaks amplified with every move. Not that I minded much really, because being 50 was a prelude to better things to come - turning 55 and joining the illustrious "Senior Citizens Brigade".
So here I am, turning 55 today - still alive and kicking - creaking bones, protruding guts, wobbly knees, greying hair, the occasional memory lapses, impaired vision and 'audio trouble' notwithstanding. All the same, Thank You God, for all Your blessings....
A wargamas - freshly minted, legally certified and absolutely thrilled - was born today. Signed, sealed, delivered; that's me, rushing headlong into 55. How wonderful, to be able to proudly claim senior citizenship!
I had waited for this day ever since I turned 40. Frankly, it has very little to do with the promised bounty, enticing as that may be. It's just that the 40s somehow never really fit into my scheme of things. I couldn't relate to the old standby "life begins at 40" because for me it didn't.
If I were to assign some recognition to it, I'd call my 40s "the age of wilderness and confusion." You see, when you hit 40, you are neither here nor there. While you are definitely not young (being young at heart doesn't count), you are not old either.
The age of youth ends with 39. But old age doesn't really hit you in the face until 50 and beyond, so where does that leave the 40s? Granted, it may be just numbers to some but those numbers troubled me enough to give my 40s a wide mental berth.
Time stood still from the time I bid 39 goodbye until I leapfrogged into 50. The missing decade was spent in "age hibernation', emerging only on the treshhold of 50 to take my rightful place amongst the half-centurians.
Alas, what I had conveniently seek to forget, my bones never ceased to remind. The creaks amplified with every move. Not that I minded much really, because being 50 was a prelude to better things to come - turning 55 and joining the illustrious "Senior Citizens Brigade".
So here I am, turning 55 today - still alive and kicking - creaking bones, protruding guts, wobbly knees, greying hair, the occasional memory lapses, impaired vision and 'audio trouble' notwithstanding. All the same, Thank You God, for all Your blessings....
In your mid-30s with 4 kids in tow, you still looked so dishy and can still make heads turn madam!!
I love your wargamas photo with Pak Abu..so contented and very connected..
Happy Birthday Dearest Puteri. Its quite teary-eyed to know that you're very happy to have finally found the happiness you've been searching all these years..and Alhamdullillah you've found your true love too.
May you and Pak Abu continue to live happily ever after.
Happy Birthday Sweet 55 Kak Puteri. Moga murah rezki, sehat selalu dan bahagia ke akhirnya. Whatever you are feeling, I am sure you have lived to the fullest and age gracefully.
Happy Birthday Girl, 55 is a beautiful number what more for a person who have been waiting for it. I hope Pak Abu & Children is giving you a birthday bash that made this important day very special.
Personally I see that there are still lots of energy and wisdom in you that need to be shared with the community at large. Your beautiful writing has to be used in a more fatal ways to change the social ills and chaotic lifestyles that polluting the society. Yes I remember that you want to write a book about your experience performing Haj... that will be a good KPI. The upcoming Art Exhibition will be another good project for you.
Tengok gambar you masa muda2 dulu mesti ramai yang tergila2 kat you...heheeee. Selamat Hari Jadi Semoga Di Panjangkan umur dengan kesihatan, rukun damai, kejayaan & kesejahteraan didunia dan akhirat
Puteri, happy, happy birthday and what a life! Semoga dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezki. It has really been wonderful meetingup again...oh, I thought you were going to spend your birthday enjoying autumn in London!
Happy belated b'day sis :)God bless!
salam kak puteri,
first time leaving my comment, although visits regularly. i'm 43, so i'm in limbo i guess? i admire your tenacity, look up to you for wisdom. for now i do love being in the 40s.... what people say is not my concerns anymore....what a relieve.... but after reading your post i think i look forward to being in the 55s!!
Adik Kama,
Happy belated 55th Birthday. We are Librans!
Happy birtrhday Saudari!
Semoga sihat, panjang umur dan murah rezeki.
Kalau senang datanglah melawat kami.
Salam Kak Puteri,
Selamat Hari Lahir...salam dari kami sekeluarga di Norway.
Since turning 40 last year, I really felt a true sense of peace. It felt like I have done most things, seen quite a lot of places already, I'm past caring what others think of me, I could not care less about material wealth etc.
Now after having read your excitement in turning 55, I'm looking forward to that too.
Here's wishing you all the happiness in the world with your loved ones, Sis.
Keep writing! :)
many happy returns, hjh puteri!
i think you are so blessed. not just for the plenty and variety you have received from life, but for that contentment of spirit i hear in your words. itu yg mahal tuh! :D
Happy 55th Birthday, may you continue to enjoy life.
In the seventies when our gang was painting the streets of KL red, you was still in your teen.
Have a nice day and take care.
Happy 55th Birthday Kak Puteri! May your life is filled with all greatness :)
Happy 55th birthday Kak Puteri! And kalau ikut tahun hijrah, surely dah lebih dari tu kan?
Semoga kekal bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat!
Happy Birthday Kak Puteri/Aunty Puteri (I don't know which is more appropriate, but I guess the latter coz I am around Naj's age)! I hope your special day and every day is filled with love, laughter and happiness!
Many happy returns to you dear kama and may Allah continue to shower his blessings upon you in your journey.
Oh yes I'm a fifty-fiver too and loving it :D
Aunty Puteri,
Happy Birthday to You!!!! 1,000,000X
I'm giving you myself as a a present. Agreed?
Oooh...here comes Liliie wanting to bash me. purrr.....
Happy birthday Aunty. Take care and love to Ann and Nawa and Joe and Naj.
Myra Abdul Mutalib
PS : I have changed my blog name. Ha ha and my husband's name is not Kamil..
Happy birthday, kak Hajjah.
Selamat hari Jadi kak Puteri...saya suka tgk gambar yang pakai baju girl guide tu..spek tu mahal wooo...
Akak masih cantik lagi....tu yang saya nampak...
salam dari kami di Klang.
Happy Birthday Puteri & many happy returns. The main thing is that u r happy, healthy, wealthy & wiser.
Here’s wishing u many more good years ahead. This one specially chosen for you on your special day (senior half price;))
From a very Young at heart Tommy!
Happy Birthday, kak Putri!! Age is just a number. Whatever it is, be happy with it. And you sure are!!
May you be blessed with many more years ahead.. insyaallah..
Semoga hari hari yang dok nak mai tu turut berkilau keemasan.
Salam Kak Aji Kama,
Selamat menempuh alam warga emas. May the coming days be filled with joy and good tidings.
Love all those pics from yesteryears... especially the one from 1974. Wow, a bride at age 20... that's coooool.
Happy Birthday Kak Kama!Moga dimurahkan rezeki,happy & diberkati sentiasa.
Salam..Happy Birthday..you look young and happy go lucky. You're lucky to have happy family. I hope we meet in KL for the exhibition. I am appreciated for what you have done!
Masa tu sy baru dilahirkan..masih pakai pampers lagi..ehhe...cantik gambar dulu2..kenangan terindah untuk anak cucu...amazing!
Happy Birthday...I ran into your blog and was just wondering if you knew my late mother. She would've been around your age. Attended TKC and was a journalist with Berita Publishing, if I'm not mistaken. Her name's Faizah Omar :)
Salam Kak Put..Happy Birthday and like they said welcome to the POP world (Persatuan Orang Pencen)!! Remember, you may be older than yesterday but always younger than tomorrow!!
Love, Mod
Mamasita - what else can I say but Ameeen!
TM, LK, DDI, Zendra, Mumsie, MrsN, Laptop, Rose - TQ buckets for the kind words.
Ayda - in limbo? Naah..I think you are doing well.. enjoy!
Jaflam - I am still interested to document my Haj into a book. Perhaps soon. Bab kena ligan masa 'single again' tu, biasalah.. what to do.. the most important thing is to know how to tepis dengan berhemah.. :)
Pak Zawi - I dah masuk Scorpio ( scorpio starts 22 or 23/10 rasanya).
Naz - Insyaallah one day we'll get to see Norway in all its majestic splendour. Like Kay Leeda said, kena start kumpul duit dlm tabung ayam :)
Mekyam - you couldn't be more right. Contentment is here and I hope it stays.
Pak Idrus - I didn't get the chance to paint KL red.. kena 'sapu' cepat sangat! hehehe
Kak Teh & AG - tq tq. As for the trip, that was the idea but tak semena-mena client wants to organise a media night oct 28, so plan has to be shelved. now pak abu said maybe late nov or early dec..
Pi - I think If I were to count my age in Hijrah years, kena tambah 5 years lagi kot.
Sherry - Those age 34 (Naj's age) and below can call me Auntie anytime. Memang makcik material olede mah..
Cat - TQ cat for the offer; tak takut kat Lillie ker? hehehe
Myra - TQ dear.. bila lak jadi Mrs Kamil ni? ..lol
Tommy - Sure as hell I am going to make full use of the senior citizen's perks, Tommy..
Ezza - spek zaman tu, kira macam melaram sakan la tu..:-)
Oldstock - Jodoh arrived early for me, unfortunately it didn't last. Kita hanya boleh merancang,kan..
Deen - Gambar dulu2 sekali sekala tengok seronok gak..
Ummi - her name is familiar but at this moment I can't recall rupanya.If she was with BP during the time BP was under NST and located in Balai Berita, chances are I would know her. Sezaman tu..
Jessica - Mod oh Mod, my apologies belum lagi dapat peluang berjumpa. Insyaallah I will try not to forget to organise it soon.. tq for dropping by and or the kind wishes.. "hugs"
Kak Puteri, Happiest birthday wishes for you!!! Wishing you good health and happiness always <3
perhaps...perhaps...but she did quit around '88 or '89 when my sister was born. I don't really recall her circle of friends at BP (mainly coz I call them uncle and aunty) except for a lady by the name of Hanem. We've been in TTDI since forever too (around Rahim Kajai, Kiara Park...)
It's always nice to accidentally 'bump' into one of her many colleagues.
Happy belated birthday! Moga diberkati dengan kesihatan yang baik.
First time I go to your blog.
Aisayman, kita sama umur.
My birthday 15 October. 11 days older.
I dah ada cucu.
Dah menopause. You udah ke?
I happy sebab tak payah fikir pasal period lagi.
You look 'hot' in your younger days - must have lots of fan.But you look at peace with Pak Abu. Anyway, happy birthday again.
I have been very busy today,just got on the net hence nearly 'miss the train'. Hope you had a good celebration. Welcome to the golden age ( I am still in denial)
Ku kirim peluk ciumku di hari lahirmu...
Rahmat Allah bagi saya mengenali akak. Semoga sentiasa di dlm perlindunganNya...
You, you were and still are gorgeous akak!
Lucky Pak Abu, I tell ya!
Happy 55th Birthday Kak Puteri!
Now boleh pergi EPF office isi borang hehe...
btw 55 is the new 35..:P (which makes me only 25!) :P
Qoth, kp - tq loads for the kind words.
Ummi - I am sure I know her. Btw, Haneem is a friend of mine (ex-colleague too). My salam to yr mum..
Rahmah - tq for dropping by. The big "M" sudah, cucu & menantu belum. still waiting for any of the 4 to indicate depa nk kawin.. jenuh tnggu..
NanaDJ - tu zaman melaram, surelah hot..LOL.. tq for your kind words.
Raden - awwww.. "hugs"
MA - Isi borang olede! Now tunggu ler.. 55 in the new 35? whoa, I like this!
Happy Birthday Kak Puteri! semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki sentiasa. :)
Farina - here comes another orang jauh. TQ for wishes, dear.. ameen!
Happy 55th birthday, Kak Puteri.
May the happiness and contentment continue...
p.s. Like your blog and I often dropped by but first time leaving comment.
Ummi - I had just reread your message.. Al-Fatihah for the soul of your late mum...
Zihan - Salam Zihan & tq for visiting. TQ too for the kind words. Don't be a stranger, ya.. bertandanglah selalu..:-)
LF - Ameeen!Betul sesangat apa yang you katakan. Bila dah pergi nanti, bukan boleh angkut harta benda masuk kubur, amalan jugak jadi bekalan. Saya sangat bersyukur Allah swt buka pintu hati sebelum terlambat..
A'kum Kak Puteri,
Happy belated birthday ke 55. Dengan Harapan panjang umur dipermudahkan rezeki sepanjang hidup. Comel lote pic yang no satu tu. Pic wedding kat ipoh tu pun nampak hidup dengan cara pakaian begitu.
Eh kak, tak nampak pun di majlis raya PESAT hari tu.
Salam Kak, Selamat Hari Lahir. Semoga dirahmati Allah sentiasa.
Salam kak puteri kama... happy 55th birthday, semoga dilimpahi rahmat & nikmat NYA dunia & akhirat :D
Tumpang gembira, keceriaan akak sgtlah terserlah ;D
Madam Kama,
Selamat Hari Lahir, semoga dimurahkan rezeki, sihat dan panjang umur. I've been reading your blog for the past one year and this is the first time I leave a comment. I really like your writing and your views on different aspects of life etc. I also used to live in Dungun for 9 years before 'migrating' here in the UK, so I could personally connect to some of the items you describe about Terengganu. May Allah bless you and family.
Regards from
Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch, Wales
“Maghi Pakat Gi Jale”
Tel: 609-747 9999
Tata - tqtq.. masa pesat gathering dulu saya ada function yang tak doleh tidak kena hadir.. tulah pasal.. I missed all the good food; boring tull..hehehe
Jue & Justiffa - tq so much for the kind words. Ameen semoga Allah swt makbulkan!
Anon from Wales - I note the place name... bersinar bijik mata & tergeliat lidah nak pronounce. Tq for dropping by and for the wishes..
Al-Quds travel - macam tau2 aja kak puteri tengah dok plan holiday.. hehehe
Without your knowing I have been dropping in but chose not to leave comments just for the sake of making them. But this posting is different, a very prominent mile-stone in your life, for that matter in any one’s life. I was there once but I doubt mine was as ‘rich’ as yours. At about your age today I sat to evaluate myself. ( as reflected in ‘pencapaian’ of my current posting.) Then,I was searching for something to do next. Having gone through the up-and-down-and-up and with Pak Abu beside, you will, insya Allah, find joy all the way now. I wish you and family all the best. Let us be grateful for being given the opportunity to taste and understand what life is – not just what is related to us. We all have our own unique experiences. That is how great HE is , the Ultimate Planner of all.
Incidentally I quoted the above longest tongue-twisting name in the world because it hit me like a bullet, a place I took my family to, just to take a photo in front of a sign board bearing that name near a railway station in Wales. (Your anonymous visitor - bearing Terengganu rubber stamp like you and me- has a sense of humour. We live and reminisce our past.
Salam Kak Puteri,
Nampak gayanya saya antara yang tercorot untuk mengucapkan "Semoga selamat panjang usia". Jangan-jangan akan terbit pada komen yang ke-55. Kalau ada umur, akan saya hampiri angka itu sedekad dari sekarang.
Terharu juga membaca posting Kak Puteri yang ini. You sounded sooo contented and loving 'em all - joy, sorrow, warts and everything thrown in.
Wishing you the bliss from ALlah almighty and many more years to come.
Happy, happy birthday baby!
This is belated but I've been wondering about just when. Absolutely love your photos. We have something in common - both ex- Girl Guides. I was in Rose patrol, what about you?
Anyway, the best of birthday wishes and for many more happy ones to be shared with Pak Abu.
Pakcik - likewise, Pakcik, I drop by your abode all the time without leaving my footprint. in fact, the poem that you penned long ago left me feeling sebak when I read it the very same day you transcribed it in Al-Manar. Sometimes words are not enough to explain how we feel..
Deli - better late than never, deli :-) TQ for all the good wishes.
AsH - aahh, my fav GOW.. I don't have your tel no and this is simply unforgiveable! Plse send me an e-mail.. you are going home soon and we must meet! Rose Patrol, eh? I can't, for the life of me, remember anything about guiding except how to tie a couple of knots..hehehe
Happy Birthday May,semoga ALLAH mencucuri rahmat dan dalam ketenangan. Panjang umor like long par 5..hehe
Is that true Kakak? That young age ends at 39? *GASP* Sh*t, I only have 6 more years before I hit oblivion?
Huhuhuhu... and young at heart does not count? Hello, where is justice in these all?
Happy Bday Kak
Dear Kak Puteri, Happy Birthday. You've inspired us all with your stories. Keep on writing!
Dear Kak Puteri,
So sorry kak....I missed yr birthday. Aye..ya..ya...how could I kan?? Hope it's not too late to send you my warmest regards on this special day of yours. Age is just a number, it's so cliche kan. Yang penting we are happy the way we are and be surrounded by the ones we love, and that love is undeniably all around you.
My doas of your good health, murah rezeki and all good things to come your way. Have a good weekend Kak :)
Det - Tq det, about time la we meet, don't you think? the older kids remember you..
Elviza - Oh fish, there is o justice in ageing, my dear.. lol
Azrin - tq; you have been too kind with your praise.
Kay - tq kay, the same goes to you.. good weekend and all.
Dear Puteri Kama :-)
Maaf kan saya kerana terlewat!
Mujur juga entry ini masih di sini, sempat saya mengucapkan selamat menyambut ulang tahun hari lahir...dan saya gembira membaca kegembiraan di hati Puteri Kama...! Terserlah sekali mutiara kesyukuran dari catitan puteri Kama tentang perjalanan kehidupan yang telah dilalui dengan tabah, dengan pasrah, dan dengan kesyukuran dan keihlasan mengasihi mereka2 yang mewarnai kehidupan Kama.
Alhamdullillah....semoga terus di kurniakan Allah dengan kesihatan dan kebahgiaan....Amiinnnnnnn.
just me, ariffin.
JM aka ripeng dear, better late than never.. hehehe.. tq for the good wishes. Ameen! Bila nak balik bercuti nih?
Happy Belated 55th Birthday, auntie. I gotta say you looked hot in at age 38. Hehe.
Keep on writing wonderful stuff! =)
I am in Dungun now...Rugi tak jumpa Miss Dungun kat sini..hehehe
IB - dulu 'hot' sekarang dah tinggal suam-suam kuku! alaahai.. :)
Slam - Oh how I envy you slam, berada in good ole dungung.. miss dungun dah jadi opah dungun daa..lol
Semoga hari hari yang dok nak mai tu turut berkilau keemasan. Aminnnnn
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