Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Raya Roundup..

The usual raya fare at the Abus; lemang with rendang & serunding, ketupat daun palas with kuah kacang, and nasi minyak with ayam kuzi.

Cookies and more cookies;  fret not, they'll all disappear in no time at all when the extended clan comes a-visiting soon, and when the kids return to work, bringing along with them to share with office mates.

Found this South African native, sweet william, at the TTDI market yesterday. Scentless but pretty.. 

Cupcakes, from a friend of Naj. Migraine arrived promptly soon after I sampled one (couldn't resist the bunga icing ..)

White chrysanthemums from Nawwar...

Fiza's gift, walnut carrot cake.. a good choice, since Pak Abu isn't a fan of anything chocolate..

Ann and Fiza having their morning fill..

The fogies, same old same old.. 

Flag's up and flying on the balcony, to welcome the National Day tomorrow.

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